Proposed redevelopment of land at West Hoathly Brickworks, Hamsey Road, Sharpthorne

About Ashill Regen

Since the launch of Ashill in 2008, the team has built an excellent reputation for bringing forward sensitive and successful regeneration of brownfield land in the South East of England. Developments have been both large and small, both higher density in urban areas and lower density in suburbs and villages, and in all cases are designed to specifically fit into and complement the surrounding areas.

AR was launched in 2021 to refocus specifically on the repurposing and regeneration of brownfield land. Land and buildings that are no longer relevant or useful, which can be replaced with more beneficial, sustainable, and efficient development that will stand the test of time. We believe development in the 21st century must step up to the challenge of building truly exceptional places for people to live and work, in a socially and environmentally responsible way, always striving to protect our biodiversity and green infrastructure.